GI/SM-004 Carnanelly 562m / 1844ft 18.04.17

After climbing Mullaghclogha GI/SM-002 yesterday I was determined that we would activate Carnanelly today. Ian had already activated this one last year but I was at work that day and now needed this one to complete the Sperrins. We didn’t get away until the afternoon as there was a bogged tractor to pull out of the bottom of the Pump field – I would know how that felt later this afternoon! Mountain dog aka Poppy accompanied us with her sidekick staying at home much to her disgust. We arrived at the start point H68214 94093 Goles Forrest at about 1:30pm. The start was fine along forest tracks but at 1.2 miles we had to set off into the forest along a fire break. First there was a large shough to get over and then the fun started! There was a faint path as this track was used by geocachers to get to the summit but there were fallen trees every 20 yds! This meant that I had to constantly make detours as I couldn’t step over anything more than a foot in height. The moss was amazing in here – our sticks would disappear into apparent solid ground up to their handles which made it very dangerous walking indeed! Unlike our recent summits in England there wasn’t a soul to be seen or voice to be heard – just constant birdsong. After 0.6 mile which seemed to take for ever we emerged onto the hillside and clambered up to the summit – at this point I swore I would never ever be back on this hill and renamed it Carnage. We also didn’t realise that we couldn’t spot ourselves nor could anyone else – thanks to the WAB guys for trying – but it was Victor GI4ONL who got it sorted eventually and we finally got it activated. Many thanks to everyone who contacted us on 2m, 40m and 60m. Just after we arrived it started raining but we stayed after the activation to get revived with coffee, brioche and traybake as a celebration!! We then started the long descent with a few disappearing tricks into bogs and shoughs and arrived back at the Landy at 7:30pm.

Esther’s Log:

15:25 7MHz SSB G0FVH 7.165
15:53 5MHz SSB MI1AIB 5.335
15:55 144MHz FM GI4ONL 145.4
15:58 5MHz SSB G4OBK 5.335
15:59 5MHz SSB G0RQL 5.335
16:01 5MHz SSB G0VWP 5.335
16:02 5MHz SSB G3RMD 5.335
16:03 5MHz SSB MI5UTC 5.335
16:04 5MHz SSB M0BVK 5.335
16:05 5MHz SSB G6ENN/P 5.335
16:07 5MHz SSB G4IAR 5.335
16:08 5MHz SSB G8VNW 5.335

Ian’s log:

15:27z GI4ONL 144MHz FM
15:32z MI0KOA 144MHz FM
15:36z MI0KXT 144MHz FM
15:37z GI4AHD 144MHz FM
15:40z MI5UTC 144MHz FM
15:44z MI3CXM 144MHz FM
15:50z 2I0NIO 144MHz FM
15:51z MI0GDO 144MHz FM
16:00z G0RQL 5MHz SSB
16:02z MI0RTY 144MHz FM



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